Kathy Lemesurier

Kokoda 2025

Supporting Hartley by trekking Kokoda in May 2025

Thank you for your support of Hartley Lifecare by sponsoring the Kokoda Trail trek in May 2025 to help people with disabilities live their best life.

Hartley Lifecare (Hartley) is a Canberra-based not-for-profit organisation providing Supported Independent Living (SIL), Short Term Accommodation, or respite care (STA) to people with disability in Canberra. We also operate a hydrotherapy pool - an all-abilities accessible heated pool.

Your donation helps Hartley to provide people with disability in the ACT access Hartley's services that support all sorts of great things such as outings and holidays for people with disability that they otherwise would not be able to do. Donations also are used to maintain the homes that our clients live in, and the complete rebuild of Hartley Court, a specialty disability accommodation for 10 Canberrans.

My Updates

One of the many walks getting ready for Kokoda!

Sunday 23rd Mar

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul Lemesurier

What a great experience and so worth while


John Landos

Good luck Kathy, looks a serious challenge.


Mal And Lisa

We are so proud of you Kathy. Your commitment to Hartley is unwavering and your courage is inspiring. All the very best for the walk. Xx


Brian Carol Paul

Good Luck Wish we could be as fit to join you . also wish you no rain,no spiders,ants or snakes, in your sleeping bags but a good night's sleep after each days massive effort.Go for it Kathy !!!!!


Cheryl And Davix Le Mesurier


Me Occupational Therapy

Enjoy camping under the stars. We are all so proud of you and look forward to hearing all about your adventures.


Danica Cole

Good luck Kathy, I hope the camping part is not as bad as you think.


K Le Mesurier

Amazing! What a great cause.



This is amazing Kathy, I'm so proud of you!


Caroline And Tim

Best of luck with the walk Kathy.


Samantha Daniel

We’re so proud of you! Once in a lifetime achievement. Much love always- Sammi, Brendan, Peyton & Sophia xx