How To Apply

Become a part of one of Australia’s largest and longest running home made and home grown goods markets.

Your presence benefits not only yourself, but also supports the services Hartley Lifecare provides to those living with disability in the ACT and give them opportunities to live their best life. 

Our Markets’ primary focus is on home grown and home made items.

If you have any questions, please call us on 02 6185 1601 or 0437 602 710. You can also send an email to

Please note - Hartley Hall Markets does not allow the sale of live animals.

What does a stall cost?

$50 per site Handmade, homegrown, homemade, hand decorated products
$100 per site (commercial) Businesses that have brought in already made products eg: clothing
$200 per site (food) Selling food on site

Additional extras

$10 parking on site To park and leave your car with your stand for the day. Otherwise stallholders must move their car to the designated area
$15 insurance Stallholders must hold active public liability insurance / stallholder insurance. If stallholders do not have their own insurance this fee is automatically added and stallholders are covered by Hartley's insurance
$20 power for food site Limited power is available on site. Food stall must book and pay if they are going to access power for the markets.